As a student of living zen and discovering a more balanced lifestyle, I have realized the importance of having very clean food preparation spaces as part of creating healthy meals. Countertops and cutting boards - everywhere food will touch - must be kept clean and free of bacteria.
What is an affordable, easy way to do this? What is a way to do this without toxins, or odors?
It is odorless, organic and made from sea shells. It is proven to eliminate bacteria and best of all it is really economical because it is sold as a microfine powder - which means it is very light. We provide free shipping and the product is as affordable as any natural home remedy. What this means is IGOZEN is a proven way to remove bacteria that is odorless, effective and helps you, your family and the environment.
Here is some feedback from one of our Customers:
"I have never found a product that safe and odorless to clean the kitchen areas, until I found IGOZEN. What I like about IGOZEN Is that I can use it with a peaceful state of mind because I am not worried about bacteria in the kitchen or food preparations. I don't like to use bleach because it is unhealthy if you taste it and also because it has such a dangerous odor. IGOZEN has none of these issues, It is clean, pure and sanitary. It has been tested and scientifically proven to eliminate bacteria. That gives me real certainty and peace of mind!"
I hope you like IGOZEN, too. Please go to and order a free sample!
Photo courtesy of Chantal at
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